Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage can improve our health in various ways. It makes the body noticeably lighter, boosts energy and vitality, increases metabolism, immune function, sleep quality and work efficiency, reduces swelling and numbness of the limbs, stimulates blood circulation. But these are not the only benefits of lymphatic drainage massage.

Wellness Delivered To Your Door

Most of us are really excited about the possibility to lose inches, firm the skin, tone the muscles and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The transformation of your body is achieved not by massaging a certain part of the body, but by stimulating the lymph flow and detoxification. You get a slimmer, more toned physique with less cellulite and water retention.

The massage itself is like a work out, your muscles might feel a bit achy after the first couple of treatments, but there is nothing to worry about, your body will get used to the massage. There is a possibility that you might feel slight fatigue and dizziness after your first massage. It’s perfectly normal, because your body is getting rid of toxins accumulated in the fatty tissues over the time.
So, how often you should repeat the procedures? That depends on your personal goals and what you would like to achieve. If it is only your health you are concerned about then we recommend twice a week for two weeks and then once a week thereafter. If your goal is to shape your body, reduce the appearance of cellulite, smooth and firm up your skin, then you should be aiming for a massage three times a week (two at least), twenty times in total. To further maintain achieved results, we recommend one procedure per week.

Re-energise your body and relax your mind

Superior results can be achieved when the massages are combined with exercise and a healthy diet. It works because you are training your inner muscles while exercising and stimulating the outer muscles during a massage. The lymphatic drainage massage is an effective solution for flabby inner thighs, stomach and arms. It is best to stay active at least for 20 minutes after each massage. This maintains the circulation of the lymph and prolongs the body detox. If you plan to go to the gym the same day, it is best to do it after the massage. Don’t eat for an hour after massage.

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